Monica Makin

Travel Planner
Makin Travel & Events

Save hours researching places to visit in Portugal and enjoy a comprehensive 5-day tour where a full itinerary is planned out for you. Conveniently, round-trip private transport is included, so there’s no need to go on busy public transport. As it's a private tour, the itinerary can be adjusted based on your needs. A sample itinerary includes Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais, Estoril, Fatima, Coimbra, Porto, and Douro Valley.

  • Visit many of Portugal's highlights, including Lisbon, Sintra, and Porto
  • A private tour means that the itinerary can be adjusted based on your needs
  • Avoid the crowds on public transport and travel in a private vehicle instead
  • Visit Douro Valley and learn about winemaking at a local winery

If interested, lets find a time to chat:  Monica's Calendar